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Leaf Cleanup Montgomery AL

Is Leaf Cleanup Important?

Providing Leaf Cleanup in Montgomery AL

Part of your lawn care service plan should include regular leaf litter removal and leaf cleanup. With all the humidity and moisture we have to deal with in Montgomery AL, it’s hard enough to keep disease out of your turf, but add to that the problems that leaf litter presents and, whether you want to or not, you may find yourself searching Google for “lawn care professional in Montgomery, AL” to take care of the disease. Let me explain.

Ever noticed the forest floor doesn’t have any grass? That’s partly because the forest floor is covered by a layer of moist and decaying leaves. Your lawn can look like the forest floor after waiting too long to clear the leaf litter. 

One of the main things grass needs to grow is ample light. The layer of leaves blocks out this light to the floor of your turf. The heat and sometimes drought in Montgomery, AL stresses the grass, and the fall is the best time for your grass to recover from the heat stress. The leaf litter only adds to that stress. The fall is also the best time of year for your lawn to get the most light since the leaves are off the trees and not casting shadows on the yard. 

Leaf litter also holds moisture which is a cause for fungus and other diseases. 

As an additional service, we provide leaf cleanups in both the fall and spring.

So if you live in Montgomery or Pike Road and are looking for a local lawn care professional, we would love to help.

Check out all of our other services HERE

lawn care montgomery al