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Crabgrass Montgomery AL

Got Crabgrass in Montgomery AL?

Crabgrass in Montgomery AL Lawns is Too Common

Warming temperatures mean ugly ol’ Mr. Crabgrass is itching to make his debut. If you’ve never had crabgrass in your Montgomery AL lawn, you’re lucky. When soil temps hit 55F and above, crabgrass germinates and begins to rear its ugly head, so its best to get ahead of the crabgrass and put down a treatment to prevent it. We’ve been monitoring the weather and temperature so we can stay ahead of the weeds for you, so that you’ll have the very best lawn you can this year. We’ll be documenting our war on crabgrass on our Facebook page and on our Instagram page, so follow along and help cheer us on as we fight the good fight!

As always, we’re here to help, and we would love to add you to our schedule to guarantee your grass looks its best, so make sure to fill out the form on the side of this page, or call us at 334-530-3576 for a free estimate.

All of our other lawn care and property services can be found HERE

weed control montgomery al
weed control montgomery al