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When to Mow the Yard | Best Time of Day

When Should I Mow My Yard?

Knowing When to Mow Your Yard is a Key to Lawn Care

Knowing when to mow the yard is a key to a healthy lawn. Read more to find out the BEST time to cut your grass.

Early Morning

Early morning mowing is one of the worst times to mow. Morning dew will probably be on the grass. This makes it hard on your mower, and causes the grass to be cut poorly. This can cause tearing and not cutting. Torn, wet grass is the perfect pathway for disease and fungus to infect your grass.


Most professionals agree that mid-morning is the best time of day to mow the lawn. The theory is that the lawn needs time to heal before the evening. This means that your grass really needs the benefit of the day to dry and heal before the night.

If your grass is cut when the lawn is too hot, it may burn the grass. So, if you’re able to choose when to mow in the day, mid-morning is the best time of the day.


It’s usually safe to mow your lawn midday, but it’s not the best time to mow. In addition to having to work during the hottest part of the day, you may stress out the grass. But, if you aren’t cutting more than the top third of the grass, you should be safe. Beware, if you have neglected mowing regularly, and need to cut more than the top third, you may risk burning the lawn.


Afternoon is the second best time of day to mow your lawn. If you can’t get mow your grass in the morning, and don’t want to risk burning your lawn, then afternoon is a good time to mow your grass.


Cutting your lawn too late in the day is just as bad as mowing too early. Same as mowing in the morning, you risk increasing the risk to your freshly cut lawn to disease and fungal infections.

One of the WORST things you can do it cut your grass with DULL blades. If you work with a professional lawn care company, make sure they keep their blades SHARP.

At Vision Property Services, we would love to serve you so contact us if you’re interested in hiring someone for professional lawn care in Montgomery AL

Check out the cool video below to show how having SHARP blades is the most critical elements of a healthy lawn.

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